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Dedrone Securing the Air Space

Protect your property or building from drone attacks and more. 

Dedrone provides an automatic, integrated, and self-contained platform that delivers drone classification and countermeasures to secure against drone threats and their operators 24/7. DroneTracker is the only modular system on the market that can be customized to address site-specific threats, adapted for easy integration to an existing security program, and accommodates unique building structures, landscapes, and other exterior conditions

What's included?


Dedrone's DroneTracker platform provides a complete airspace monitoring and management solution through a convenient browser-based interface. 

DroneTracker is a sophisticated software-based drone classification and counter-drone platform for all kinds of applications. 

Learn more about its unique capabilities and features. 


  • 24/7 Scanning for drones

  • Alarm notifications

  • Integration with apps with API's

  • Simple configuration in the cloud

  • Scalable & customizable

  • Multi-Sensor Analysis

  • Future expandability


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